HC Deb 27 July 1927 vol 209 cc1227-8

asked the Minister of Transport if his attention has been drawn to a resolution passed by the London County Council, on 29th March, 1927, to the effect that His Majesty's Government be informed that the council is prepared to enter forthwith into negotiations with the Minister of Transport in regard to the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Cross-River Traffic in London concerning the proposed Victoria Dock Road, and to a letter written by the clerk of the council to the Prime Minister of the same date with respect, inter alia, to this matter; will he state what steps have been taken to commence such negotiations; and, if no steps have been taken, what are the obstacles in the way of action being taken?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am aware of the terms of the resolution and of the letter to which my hon. Friend refers, and it caused me considerable satisfaction to receive the assurance that the London County Council were prepared to negotiate with me upon the subject of the proposed Victoria Dock Road. Having received this assurance, I have now been able for some time past to discuss procedure and ways and means with some of the other authorities who are interested, and affected by, the scheme. As my hon. Friend knows, the proposals involve the re-housing of a considerable number of people, and it is essential that the terms and conditions of re-housing should first be settled with the statutory authority in whose area the people live who are to be dispossessed of their homes. Negotiations upon this subject are now taking place, and I hope very soon to be in a position to open formal negotiations with the London County Council.


Do I understand that the right hon. Gentleman is now in communication with the Borough Council of West Ham in regard to the housing accommodation?

Colonel ASHLEY

We are having conversations.


Is the right hon. Gentleman yet in a position to say whether legislation that will be necessary will be Government legislation or whether it will be private legislation; and, if private, by what body it will be promoted?

Colonel ASHLEY

I think that must largely depend upon what bodies come into the scheme.