HC Deb 21 July 1927 vol 209 cc555-6
29. Mr. LAMB

asked the Minister of Health whether it is his intention before enforcing the Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) Regulations in respect to cream, to introduce the legislation necessary to prohibit the reconstitution of cream so as to give the public the same protection as they now enjoy in the case of milk?


I am informed that It is not necessary to introduce legislation for this purpose, as the existing provisions of the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts would prevent the sale of reconstituted cream as cream. The Preservatives Regulations will apply to the substitute equally as to genuine cream.


In view of the fact that milk produced under unhygienic circumstances may be a very great danger to public health, what steps does my right hon. Friend intend to take to see that imported milk is produced under circumstances similar to those required in this country?


Perhaps my hon. Friend will give me notice of that question. It is quite different from the one on the Paper.


Can my right hon. Friend say if any action is being taken by the authorities at all on the lines he has suggested, in view of the very large quantity of reconstituted cream now being sold?


If my hon. Friend means whether any proceedings have been taken against persons selling reconstituted cream as cream, I am unaware of any, and I do not know that it is sold as cream.