HC Deb 19 July 1927 vol 209 cc224-5
44. Colonel DAY

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been drawn to an incident which happened to an oxygen receiver belonging to the Liquid Air Company at the Bolton Super-heater Works, Adswood, in which two men lost their lives; and whether the officers of his Department are investigating this occurrence?


Yes, Sir. The circumstances of this accident have been carefully investigated by the Factory Department. Their report shows that it was caused by the clothing of the two unfortunate men catching fire when they were inside the receiver. There was no sign, however, of any explosion, and it has not been possible to obtain any definite evidence as to how the fire originated. Inquiry will be made into the practice in other works where similar plant is in use with a view to considering what precautions are necessary to prevent any such accident in future. This is the first ease of the kind that has come to the notice of the Department.

Colonel DAY

Can the Under-Secretary say whether this receiver contained oxygen before the men entered?


I would like to draw attention to the coroner's summing up, in which he said it was clear from the facts that one of the unfortunate victims had received no instructions to go inside the receiver; and it was not necessary, I understand, for the men to enter the receiver in order to carry out the work entrusted to them.


May I ask my hon. and gallant Friend if he is aware that the two companies named have done all in their power to find out the cause of this accident, and to prevent any recurrence of it and both they and the Members of Parliament for Stockport, where these works are situated, are quite as concerned about this accident as any other hon. Member of this House?


Everyone is concerned about the accident, and we are helping investigations to prevent accidents of that kind recurring.