HC Deb 19 July 1927 vol 209 cc214-5

asked the Secretary for Mines when he proposes to set up the promised inquiry into the use of the harness known as the Guss; what will be the personnel; and what will be the Terms of Reference?

Colonel LANE FOX

I have to-day appointed Sir H. Frank Heath, G.B.E., K.C.B., Mr. C. G. Douglas, M.D., F.R.S., and Mr. George Gibb, Consulting Mining Engineer, to be a Committee: to inquire and report whether the use of the harness known as the 'guss' for hauling wheelless tubs in the Somerset coalfield is harmful from the point of view either of health or of safety, and if so, what practicable methods of working could be employed to obviate its use.'' Sir Frank Heath will be the Chairman.


Does not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman think there ought to be some representation of the workers upon such a Committee, and that at least there ought to be a representative from the particular coalfield who knows the practical uses of the guss?

Colonel LANE FOX

No, Sir. The Committee will be able to get evidence on all these points, and it is far better that the experts should come before the Committee to give evidence of their knowledge and then that the Committee should form their own opinion.


Has the right hon. and gallant Gentleman not asked the Miners' Federation to send a member to sit on the Committee, and does he not think that they should be represented on such a Committee?

Colonel LANE FOX

No, Sir, I have neither asked the Miners' Federation nor the Mining Association. This Committee is a Committee which is absolutely independent. They will be able to hear the expert opinion of all the witnesses they call.