HC Deb 18 July 1927 vol 209 cc3-4

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the Government of India has received any representations from bodies representative of Indian industrial and commercial opinion in regard to the Government's refusal to take action along the lines recommended by the Textile Tariff Board to protect the indigenous cotton manufacturing industry; and whether he will inform the House of the number and names of bodies from which such representations have been received and the terms of the representations?

5. Mr. KELLY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been drawn to the fall in cotton mill shares in Bombay and to the fears that, owing to the Government's refusal to take action to introduce a measure of protection on the lines recommended in the Report of the Textile Tariff Board, a number of mills will have to go into liquidation; and whether, in face of this position, the Government will reconsider the decision they have taken regarding the Board's recommendations?


The answer to the first part of each question is in the affirmative. A conference of representatives of the cotton mill industry in different parts of India was held under the auspices of the Bombay Mill Owners' Association on the 20th June to protest against the decisions of the Government of India. My Noble Friend has been informed by the Bombay Mill Owners' Association that the Upper India Chamber of Commerce and the Mysore Chamber of Commerce telegraphed their entire sympathy with the object of the conference. I do not know whether any other bodies have submitted represntations. The text of the representations cannot be given within the limits of a Parliamentary reply, but the main point is that a measure of protection adequate to the needs of the situation is asked for. I understand that on the 12th July the Viceroy received a deputation of mill owners and gave them an assurance that their views as presented would receive the most careful consideration of his Government.


Will the Noble Lord say whether these mill owners already have a measure of protection, and, if so, how much?


Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will put down a question if he wishes to know the details, as it would be rather a long answer; but it is a fact that they already enjoy a measure of protection.