HC Deb 12 July 1927 vol 208 cc1938-9
24. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Secretary for Mines the average underground haulage cost per ton of coal in the longest distance to be traversed and also that of the shortest; and can he state the average haulage distance in our mines?

Colonel LANE FOX

According to information supplied by the Mining Association to the recent Royal Commission, the average haulage distance in October, 1925, in British mines was 92 of a mile. I regret that the other figures asked for are not available, but the hon. Member will find some general information on the subject in Tables 2 and 3 of Appendix 26 in Volume 3 of the Commission's Report.


Does the average distance given include the distance travelled by wheel-less tubs in Somerset-shire, which is represented by the troglodyte Members of this House?

Colonel LANE FOX

The distance travelled by wheel-less tubs is, as a rule, extremely small—only a few yards.


But is it included in this distance?

Colonel LANE FOX

This is an average taken over the whole country.


Is it not a fact that when we deal with the figures relating to haulage in mines we are dealing with tubs on wheels and not boxes without wheels?

Colonel LANE FOX

Perhaps the hon. Member will put down that question.


I think I will.

Colonel LANE FOX

The figure I have given is an average of all the distances.