HC Deb 07 July 1927 vol 208 cc1420-1
14. Mr. BARKER

asked the Minister of Health the number of persons vaccinated in the years 1924, 1925, and 1926, and the number of deaths, if any, certified to be the result of vaccination in the years referred to?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate such particulars as are available in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the particulars:

No information is available of the total number of persons vaccinated in these years, but the following statement shows the number of certificates of successful primary vaccination of children under 14 years of age received by the vaccination officers in England and Wales:

Calendar Year:
1924 401,765
1925 348,552
1926 358,245

The numbers of successful re-vaccinations performed at the cost of the rates were as follow:

Year ended 30th September:
1924 89,600
1925 40,939
1926 54,221

The following statement gives the numbers of deaths in these years classified to (a) vaccinia, and (b) other causes associated with vaccination:

Year (a) (b)
1924 1 3
1925 3 5
1926 1 1


asked the Minister of Health the monthly return of the number of small-pox cases certified in England and Wales, including London, from January, 1927; and the number of districts in which these cases have occurred?


As the answer involves a number of figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Small-pox cases notified in England and Wales.
Cases notified.
During the 4 weeks ended:
29th January 2,178
27th February 1,808
During the 5 weeks ended:
2nd April 2,170
During the 4 weeks ended:
30th April 1,364
28th May 1,202
During the 5 weeks ended:
2nd July 1,200

These cases occurred in 214 sanitary districts. The figures are subject to revision.