HC Deb 04 July 1927 vol 208 cc859-60
17. Mr. RAMSDEN (for Viscount SANDON)

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether there is any change of policy on the part of the Victorian Government as to immigration; whether this has any effect on the loan and settlers' ratio agreement of 1924 between Great Britain and Australia or the scheme of 1925; whether the result will be that emigrants for that State will be refused; and, if so, for how long?


I understand that the position at present is that recruiting for the Victorian Government Land Settlement Scheme is suspended, but that other classes of settlers, i.e., persons nominated by friends or relatives in Victoria, experienced farm workers, youths for farm work and women for household service, are being accepted as hitherto. The 1925 Agreement is an agreement between Great Britain and the Commonwealth Government. It is impossible to say how far that agreement may be affected by any temporary change of policy by an individual State.

18. Mr. RAMSDEN (for Viscount SANDON)

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether the Overseas Settlement Committee will give any facilities or make any arrangements for the proposed propaganda visit of Scottish settlers in Australia to the United Kingdom next year and whether he will encourage visits being paid to overpopulated industrial districts where unemployment is severe in England, and to the Clyde rather than to the Highlands, to which visits are contemplated, and where it is highly undesirable that further depopulation should take place?


My attention has been called to Press statements on this subject, but I have received no information from official sources. I am, however, making inquiries through the Development and Migration Commission of the Commonwealth Government.


Will the right hon. Gentleman ask for a report from these Australians as to the means of transport in the Highlands when they do come there so that they may be able to make some comparison with the means of transport in the back blocks of Australia?