69. Major Sir BERTRAM FAILLEasked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many established men have been discharged at the various royal dockyards in the last six months; how many are under notice of discharge; and how many it is contemplated to discharge in the near future?
§ The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the ADMIRALTY (Lieut.-Colonel Headlam)The numbers of established men discharged for all causes from His Majesty's dockyards during the last six months, are:
Portsmouth | 60 |
Devonport | 61 |
Chatham | 59 |
Sheerness | 19 |
§ The numbers at present under notice of discharge, are:
Portsmouth | 5 |
Devonport | 8 |
Chatham | 8 |
Sheerness | 2 |
§ Further numbers contemplated to be discharged in the near future, are:
Portsmouth | 7 |
Devonport | 2 |
Chatham | 1 |
Sheerness | 0 |