HC Deb 21 February 1927 vol 202 cc1396-7
48. Rear-Admiral SUETER

asked the Prime Minister if, in view of the fact that two European Powers are disinclined to accept President Coolidge's ratio proposals for limiting naval arma- ments, he will consider placing an alternative formula before the five principal maritime Powers based on the following: abolition of battleships by general agreement between the chief naval nations, make the Washington 10,000-ton cruiser the largest unit of modern navies, each nation being allowed a ratio in accordance with her needs for security, protection of trade, and world responsibilities, allow nations to build as many 5,000-ton cruisers as they desire for purely police duties, limit submarine tonnage to each nation's defensive heads, maximum dimensions and radius of action of each submarine unit to be clearly laid down, and appoint an international conference under the League of Nations with instructions to draw up concise regulations for governing all phases of submarine warfare?


I am not yet in a position to make any statement on this matter. In any case I do not think that questions such as those raised by my hon. and gallant Friend can well be treated by way of Question and Answer.

49. Captain GARRO-JONES

asked the Prime Minister whether he can now name the date on which a reply will be sent to the request of the United States in regard to disarmament; and whether the Government will acquiesce in the proposals contained therein?


His Majesty's Government are at present consulting the Governments of the Dominions. As soon as their opinions have been received, His Majesty's Government hope to be in a position to reply to the United States Note., and a statement will then be made to the House.


Does the right hon. Gentleman recollect that when he was committing this country to interference in European affairs, it was not necessary to get the answer of the Dominions at that time, but now it is necessary to get the answer from the Dominions Government when it is a question of disarmament?