HC Deb 16 February 1927 vol 202 cc930-1
53. Mr. LUNN

asked the Minister of Health what are the salaries paid to the public vaccinators in the Keighley union area?


The public vaccinators in this union are not paid by salary, but by fees. I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement of these fees.

Following is the statement promised:

Fees paid to public vaccinators in the Keighley Union:

  1. (1) A fee of one shilling in respect of every child whose birth is registered in the district of the public vaccinator, or who is resident in that district and whose birth has been registered in some other district or has not been registered at all, except in the case of a child who has died or has removed from the district before attaining the age of four months, or who has been duly certified to be successfully vaccinated otherwise than by the public vaccinator or to be insusceptible of vaccination or to have had smallpox, before reaching that age, or with regard to whom a valid statutory declaration of conscientious objection to vaccination is in force.
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  3. (2) A fee of two shillings and sixpence in respect of each Case of successful vaccination or revaccination by the public vaccinator elsewhere than at the home of the person vaccinated or revaccinated.
  4. (3) A fee of seven shillings and sixpence in respect of each case of successful vaccination or revaccination by the public vaccinator at the home of the person vaccinated or revaccinated.

54. Mr. LUNN

asked the Minister of Health what are the fees paid to private practitioners in Keighley for every person successfully vaccinated, and what are the fees paid to the medical officer of health?


My right hon. Friend has no information on these points, but I may say that no fees are payable out of public funds for vaccinations performed by private practitioners, and that the remuneration recommended by my right hon. Friend's Department for the vaccination or re-vaccination by a medical officer of health of persons who have been in immediate contact with persons suffering from smallpox is a payment of not less than 2s. 6d. per case.

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