HC Deb 21 December 1927 vol 212 cc388-9
29. Mr. VIANT

asked the Secretary of State for Air the total number of machines designed and constructed for the Schneider Cup, 1927; and for what purpose will they now be used?


Seven high-speed air craft were built this year, and six of these were made available for the Schneider Cup race. They were constructed for the purpose of carrying out an important programme of research into the problems of high-speed flight and they are being used for that purpose. I may add that valuable data bearing on the problem of improving the speed of air craft have already been secured with these machines.

30. Mr. VIANT

asked the Secretary of State for Air if he can give the total expense incurred by the Air Ministry in connection with the race for the Schneider Cup, 1927, including the cost of the machines and all operational expenses, the charge for pilots and mechanics during the whole period, and the outgoings in respect of travelling, hotel and housing expenses, and the other charges incidental to the race?


The cost incurred for transportation, travelling, subsistence allowances, oil, etc., in connection with the race is estimated at approximately £3,000, but all the accounts have not as yet come to hand and this figure is therefore provisional. The cost of the machines made available for the Schneider Trophy race cannot legitimately be reckoned as part of the expense incurred. The machines were constructed under a programme of development work on high-speed aircraft, and experimental machines for this purpose would still have been necessary even if there had been no contest for the Schneider Trophy.


Is it not right that we should not forget the wholehearted hospitality of the Italian Government to the entire team during their stay there?

Lieut.-Colonel HENEAGE

Was not the expenditure on these aeroplanes well worth it in view of the impetus given to British trade?




Has the Department received any protest from the Conservative Economy Committee on the matter?