HC Deb 14 December 1927 vol 211 c2306
48. Captain A. EVANS

asked the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to the services rendered by Captain Pryce Thomas when in charge of the United Salvage Company's steamer "Rescue"; if he is aware that Captain Thomas picked up an S.O.S. from the German steamer "Elberfeld," whilst anchored at Gibraltar, and, notwithstanding the heavy weather, went to the assistance of the "Elberfeld," and, after strenuous efforts, the crew and one of the passengers, who had taken to lifeboats, were saved; and if the Board of Trade propose suitably to recognise Captain Thomas's services?


The attention of the Board of Trade had not previously been drawn to this case, and they will gladly obtain further particulars with regard to it. I should explain that in cases of this kind the question of recognition is usually left to the Government of the country to which the ship in distress belonged.