HC Deb 13 December 1927 vol 211 c2083
36. Mr. E, BROWN

asked the Secretary for Mines what steps have been taken in the various districts since the end of the coal stoppage to adjust the periodical ascertainment in such a way as to ensure the rating at the live market price of coal disposed of to associated concerns?

Colonel LANE FOX

The principle that coal disposed of to an associated concern should be charged at the proper market price is generally accepted, and the method of giving effect to this principle is a matter for agreement between the owners and workmen and their respective accountants in the various districts. The question is, of course, more important in some districts than in' others, and in several cases joint committees have been set up to deal with it. I have re-

District. Normal daily hours of work below ground.* Average daily number of hours spent below ground. Number of pits producing Coal (Nov., 1927). Number of wage-earners employed below and above ground (Nov., 1927). Accidents at Mines under the Coal Mines Act-January to November, 1927.
Number of persons killed. Number of persons seriously injured. Rate per 1,000 persons employed.
Persons killed. Persons seriously injured.
hrs. mins.
Northumberland and Durham. Hewers7½ 7 55 312 169,500 148 725 .81 3.99
Others 8 8 25
Yorkshire, Nottingam, North Derby and Kent. 8 0 446 298,600 254 1,084 .83 3.54
Rest of Great Britain 8 8 30 1,444 510,400 627 2,463 1.15 4.53
Great Britain 2,202 978,500 1,029 4,272 1.00 4.14
* In certain districts it is customary to work a shorter shift on Saturdays.
No information is available as to the earliest time of descending and the latest for ascending.
Information is not yet available of the number of persons less seriously injured.