HC Deb 02 December 1927 vol 211 cc943-8

Amendment made:

In page 11, line 25, at the end, insert the words "notwithstanding anything in any other Act of the present Session."—[Sir A. Steel-Maitland.]

Question put, "That the Clause, as amended, stand part of the Bill."

The Committee divided: Ayes, 230; Noes, 105.

Division No. 432.] AYES. [3.48 p.m.
Acland-Troyte, Lieut.-Colonel Ford, Sir P. J. Moore-Brabazon, Lieut.-Col. J. T. C.
Agg-Gardner, Rt. Hon. Sir James T. Forestier-Walker, Sir L. Morden, Colonel Walter Grant
Ainsworth, Major Charles Foster, Sir Harry S. Moreing, Captain A. H.
Albery, Irving James Foxcroft, Captain C. T. Morrison, H. (Wilts, Salisbury)
Applin, Colonel R. V. K. Fraser, Captain Ian Morrison-Bell, Sir Arthur Clive
Ashley, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Wilfrid W. Fremantle, Lieut.-Colonel Francis E. Nelson, Sir Frank
Atkinson, C. Galbraith, J. F. W. Newton, Sir D. G. C. (Cambridge)
Baldwin, Rt. Hon. Stanley Ganzoni, Sir John Nicholson, O. (Westminster)
Balfour, George (Hampstead) Gates, Percy Nield, Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert
Balniel, Lord Gibbs, Col. Rt. Hon. George Abraham Oakley, T.
Banks, Reginald Mitchell Glyn, Major R. G. C. Oman, Sir Charles William C.
Barclay-Harvey, C. M. Goff, Sir Park Penny, Frederick George
Barnston, Major Sir Harry Gower, Sir Robert Percy, Lord Eustace (Hastings)
Beamish, Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Grace, John Perkins, Colonel E. K.
Beckett, Sir Gervase (Leeds, N.) Graham, Fergus (Cumberland, N.) Perring, Sir William George
Bellairs, Commander Cariyon W. Grant, Sir J. A. Peto, Sir Basil E. (Devon, Barnstaple)
Benn, Sir A. S. (Plymouth, Drake) Greene, W. P. Crawford Pilditch, Sir Philip
Bennett, A.J. Greenwood, Rt. Hn. Sir H.(Wth's'w, E) Power, Sir John Cecil
Betterton, Henry B. Grotrian, H. Brent Pownall, Sir Assheton
Birchall, Major J. Dearman Gunston, Captain D. W. Remnant, Sir James
Blades, Sir George Rowland Hacking, Captain Douglas H. Rhys, Hon. C. A. U.
Boothby, R. J. G. Hall, Lieut.-Col. Sir F. (Dulwich) Richardson, Sir P. W. (Sur'y, Ch'ts'y)
Bourne, Captain Robert Croft Hall, Capt. W. D'A. (Brecon & Rad.) Russell, Alexander West (Tynemouth)
Bowater, Col. Sir T. Vansittart Harrison, G. J. C. Rye, F. G.
Bowyer, Captain G. E. W. Hartington, Marquess of Salmon, Major I.
Braithwaite, Major A. N. Harvey, G. (Lambeth, Kennington) Samuel, A. M. (Surrey, Farnham)
Brassey, Sir Leonard Harvey, Major S. E. (Devon, Totnes) Samuel, Samuel (W'dsworth, Putney)
Bridgeman, Rt. Hon. William Clive Haslam, Henry C. Sandeman, N. Stewart
Brittain, Sir Harry Hawke, John Anthony Sandon, Lord
Brocklebank, C. E. R. Henderson, Capt. R. R. (Oxf'd, Henley) Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave D.
Broun-Lindsay, Major H. Henderson, Lt.-Col. Sir V. L. (Bootle) Savery, S. S.
Brown, Brig.-Gen. H.C (Berks, Newb'y) Herbert, Dennis (Hertford, Watford) Shaw, R. G. (Yorks, W.R., Sowerby)
Bull, Rt. Hon. Sir William James Hilton, Cecil Sheffield, Sir Berkeley
Burman, J. B. Hoare, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir S. J. G. Shepperson, E. W.
Burton, Colonel H. W. Holbrook, Sir Arthur Richard Simms, Dr. John M. (Co. Down)
Cadogan, Major Hon. Edward Holt, Capt. H. P. Slaney, Major P. Kenyon
Campbell, E. T. Hopkins, J. W. W. Smith, R. W.(Aberd'n & Kinc'dine, C.)
Carver, Major W. H. Hopkinson, Sir A. (Eng. Universities) Smith-Carington, Neville W.
Cassels, J. D. Howard-Bury, Colonel C. K. Smithers, Waldron
Cautley, Sir Henry S. Hudson, Capt. A. U. M.(Hackney, N.) Somerville, A. A. (Windsor)
Cayzer, Sir C. (Chester, City) Hume, Sir G. H. Sprot, Sir Alexander
Cayzer, Maj. Sir Herbt. R. (Prtsmth, S.) Hume-Williams, Sir W. Ellis Stanley, Lieut.-Colonel Rt. Hon. G. F.
Cazalet, Captain Victor A. Huntingfield, Lord Steel, Major Samuel Strang
Cecil, Rt. Hon. Sir Evelyn (Aston) Iliffe, Sir Edward M. Stott, Lieut.-Colonel W. H.
Chadwick, Sir Robert Burton Iveagh, Countess of Streatfeild, Captain S. R.
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. N. (Ladywood) Jackson, Sir H. (Wandsworth, Cen'l) Stuart, Hon. J. (Moray and Nairn)
Chilcott, Sir Warden James, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. Cuthbert Sueter, Rear-Admiral Murray Fraser
Christie, J. A. Jones, G. W. H. (Stoke Newington) Sugden, Sir Wilfrid
Churchman, Sir Arthur C. Kennedy, A. R. (Preston) Sykes, Major-Gen. Sir Frederick H.
Clayton, G. C. King, Commodore Henry Douglas Tasker, R. Inigo.
Cobb, Sir Cyril Kinloch-Cooke, Sir Clement Templeton, W. P.
Cockerill, Brig.-General Sir George Lamb, J. Q- Thomson, F. C. (Aberdeen, South)
Colman, N. C. D. Lane Fox, Col. Rt. Hon. George R. Thomson, Rt. Hon. Sir W. Mitchell-
Cooper, A. Duff Lister, Cunliffe-, Rt. Hon. Sir Philip Titchfield, Major the Marquess of
Couper, J. B. Locker-Lampson, G. (Wood Green) Tryon, Rt. Hon. George Clement
Craig, Capt. Rt. Hon. C. C. (Antrim) Loder, J. de V. Vaughan-Morgan, Col. K. P.
Croft, Brigadier-General sir H. Looker, Herbert William Wallace, Captain D. E
Crookshank, Col. C. de W. (Berwick) Lucas-Tooth, Sir Hugh Vere Ward, Lt.-Col. A.L.(Kingston-on-Hull)
Crookshank, Cpt. H.(Lindsey, Gainsbro) Lumley, L. R. Warner, Brigadier-General W. W.
Cunliffe, Sir Herbert Lynn, Sir R. J. Watson, Rt. Hon. W. (Carlisle)
Curzon, Captain Viscount Macdonald, Capt. P. D. (I. of W.) Wells, S. R
Davidson, Major-General Sir John H. McDonnell, Colonel Hon. Angus White, Lieut.-Col Sir G. Dairymple
Davies, Maj. Geo. F. (Somerset, Yeovil) Macintyre, I. Williams, A. M. (Cornwall, Northern)
Davies, Sir Thomas (Cirencester) McLean, Major A. Williams, Com. C. (Devon, Torquay)
Davies, Dr. Vernon Macmillan, Captain H. Williams, Herbert G. (Reading)
Davison, Sir W. H. (Kensington, S.) Macnaghten, Hon. Sir Malcolm Windsor-Clive, Lieut.-Colonel George
Dawson, Sir Philip Macquisten, F. A. Winterton, Rt. Hon. Earl
Drewe, C. Mac Robert, Alexander M. Wolmer, Viscount
Eden, Captain Anthony Maitland, Sir Arthur D. Steel- Womersley, W. J.
Edmondson, Major A. J. Makins, Brigadier-General E Wood, E. (Chest'r, Stalyb'dge & Hyde)
Elliot, Major Walter E. Malone, Major P. B. Wood, Sir H. K. (Woolwich, West)
Ellis, R. G. Margesson, Captain D. Woodcock, Colonel H. C.
Erskine, Lord (Somerset, Weston-s-M.) Marriott, Sir J. A. R. Young, Rt. Hon. Sir Hilton (Norwich)
Erskine, James Malcolm Monteith Meller, R. J
Evans, Captain A. (Cardiff, South) Meyer, Sir Frank TELLERS FOR THE AYES.—
Everard, W. Lindsay Milne, J. S. Wardlaw- Major Cope and Major Sir George
Fairfax, Captain J. G. Monsell, Eyres, Com. Rt. Hon. B. M. Hennessy.
Falle, Sir Bertram G. Moore, Sir Newton J.
Adamson, Rt. Hon. W. (Fife, West) Attlee, Clement Richard Barnes, A.
Adamson, W. M. (Staff., Cannock) Baker, J. (Wolverhampton, Bliston) Batey, Joseph
Amnion, Charles George Baker, Walter Bondfield, Margaret
Bowerman, Rt. Hon. Charles W. Hore-Belisha, Leslie Salter, Dr. Alfred
Broad, F. A. Hutchison, sir Robert (Montrose) Scurr, John
Buchanan, G. Jones, J. J. (West Ham, Silvertown) Sexton, James
Caps, Thomas Kennedy, T. Shaw, Rt. Hon. Thomas (Preston)
Charleton, H. C. Kenworthy, Lt.-Com. Hon. Joseph M. Short, Alfred (Wednesbury)
Cluse, W. S. Kirkwood, D. Sitch, Charles H.
Clynes, Rt. Hon. John R. Lansbury, George Snell, Harry
Connolly, M. Lawrence, Susan Snowden, Rt. Hon. Philip
Cove, W. G. Lawson, John James Stephen, Campbell
Dalton, Hugh Livingstone, A. M. Strauss, E. A.
Davies, Evan (Ebbw Vale) Lowth, T. Sutton, J. E.
Day, Colonel Harry Lunn, William Thorne, W. (West Ham, Plaistow)
Dennison, R. Mac Donald, Rt. Hon. J. R. (Aberavon) Thurtle, Ernest
Duncan, C. Macdonald, Sir Murdoch (Inverness) Tinker, John Joseph
Dunnico, H. Mackinder, W. Townend, A. E.
Edge, Sir William MacLaren, Andrew Trevelyan, Rt. Hon. C. P.
Edwards, C. (Monmouth, Bedwellty) Maclean, Nell (Glasgow, Govan) Varley, Frank B.
Edwards, J. Hugh (Accrington) Macpherson, Rt. Hon. James I. Viant, S. P.
Gardner, J. P. March, S. Wallhead, Richard C.
Gibbins, Joseph Montague, Frederick Walsh, Rt. Hon. Stephen
Gillett, George M. Morris, R. H. Wedgwood, Rt. Hon. Josiah
Gosling, Harry Morrison, R C. (Tottenham, N.) Wellock, Wilfred
Greenwood, A. (Nelson and Colne) Naylor, T. E. Westwood, J.
Grenfell, D. R. (Glamorgan) Oliver, George Harold Wilkinson, Ellen C.
Groves, T. Palin, John Henry Williams, David (Swansea, East)
Grundy, T. W. Paling, W. Williams, Dr J. H. (Llanelly)
Hamilton, Sir R. (Orkney & Shetland) Pethick-Lawrence, F. W. Wilson, R. J. (Jarrow)
Hardie, George D. Ponsonby, Arthur Windsor, Walter
Hayday, Arthur Potts, John S. Wright, W.
Henderson, Right Hon. A. (Burnley) Ritson, J. Young, Robert (Lancaster, Newton)
Henderson, T. (Glasgow) Robinson, W. C. (Yorks, W. R. Elland)
Hirst, G. H. Rose, Frank H. TELLERS FOR THE NOES.—
Hirst, W. (Bradford, South) Saklatvala, Shapurji Mr. Alien Parkinson and Mr.
B. Smith.

I beg to move, "That the Chairman do report Progress, and ask leave to sit again."

There is only one minute and a half in which to deal with the new Clause giving power to make grants out of the unemployment fund towards the cost of approved courses of instruction, and I am sure it will be more convenient if we start this fresh subject on another day.

Question put, and agreed to.

Committee report Progress; to sit again upon Monday next, 5th December.

The remaining Government Orders were read, and postponed.

Whereupon Mr. SPEAKER adjourned the House, without Question put, pursuant to Standing Order No. 3.

Adjourned at One Minute after Four o'Clock until Monday next, 5th December.