HC Deb 01 December 1927 vol 211 cc710-1

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is now able to make a statement regarding the improvements he is making in the steamer services to and from the Western Isles; and when such improvements will be in operation?

The LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. William Watson)

As the reply is a long one, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

As a result of the negotiations which have taken place with Messrs. David MacBrayne, Limited, since the expiry of the last contract, the company have agreed, as a condition of a new contract, to build immediately two new boats for the Stornoway and Outer Islands services. It is intended that the Stornoway boat should be capable of maintaining a speed of 12 knots in moderately bad weather; and should be somewhat larger than the "Sheila," which formerly ran on this service, thus providing improved accommodation for passengers. The second new boat will be similar to the "Sheila" which, if she had not been lost, would have been transferred, on completion of the new Stornoway boat, to the Outer Islands service. The "Plover," now working on the Outer Islands run, will be transferred to the Inner Islands service in place of the "Cygnet." These replacements will, in the Government's view, effect marked improvements in each of these services, but it has also been agreed that within five years at latest, and possibly within three years, a third new boat shall be built to replace the "Plover."

The question of freight charges has also been discussed with the company, who propose to make a reduction of 12½ per cent. on all inward traffic excepting whisky and in some cases livestock. In consideration that the company are prepared to carry out these substantial improvements at the existing rate of subsidy the Government have agreed to enter into a contract with them covering a period of five years from the 1st instant. With regard to the last part of the question, the contract is being prepared with all expedition, and my right hon. Friend hopes that it may be possible to arrange for the two new boats to be in commission next year.

Particulars with regard to convictions between 26th November, 1926, and 25th November, 1927, for Illegal Trawling and Seine Net Fishing in Scottish Waters.
Place of Offence. Amount of Fine. Name of Offender.
Illegal Trawling.
Off Bass Rock, Haddingtonshire 30 James Taylor.
Off Neban Point, Orkney 75 Patrick Dennis O'Keefe.
Off Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde 80 Arthur Jackson.
Off Noss Head, Caithness-shire 60 James Noble.
Off Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde 100 John Crewdson.
Do. do. 100 Richard Snape.
Do. do. 70 John Brown.
Off Noss Head, Caithness-shire 60 Peter Henderson.
Do. do. 60 John W. Cowling.
Off Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde 80 William Harrison.
Off Tod Head 60 Eden Smalley.
Illegal Seine Net Fishing.
Off Burghead 10 Robert Campbell.
Off Findhorn 60 John Thomson.
Off West Wemyss, Fife 5 Peter Ross.
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