HC Deb 28 April 1927 vol 205 c996
4. Colonel DAY

asked the Home Secretary how many inspectors are employed by his Department under the Cruelty to Animals Acts; whether an inspector is always present at demonstrations before classes of students, where experiments are performed, under anesthetics upon animals; and if he will state the last occasion on which an animal has been killed on the instructions of the inspector to prevent it suffering prolonged and agonising pain?


The answer to the first paragraph is two; and to the second, no; the last occasion on which an inspector directed an animal to be killed was 25th 31arch, 1926.

Colonel DAY

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether it is proposed to increase the number of inspectors?


No. I have no reason to suppose that the work under the Act is not properly carried out.

Colonel DAY

Is it possible, where there are only two inspectors, for one to be present at each one of these experiments?