§ 25. Mr. PONSONBYasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the declaration signed at Paris on 9th November, 1921, by the Governments of the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan, with regard to the responsibility of the Council of the League of Nations for the territorial integrity of Albania, the question of the alleged dangers on the Albanian frontier 2038 will be referred to the Council of the League of Nations?
§ Sir A. CHAMBERLAINI would ask the hon. Member to refer to the answer which I gave to the hon. and gallant Member for South Hackney (Captain Garro-Jones) on 23rd March.
§ Mr. PONSONBYMay I ask whether there is not reluctance on the part of the Powers to allow any question which concerns them to go before the League of Nations?
§ Sir A. CHAMBERLAINNo, Sir, I do not think that statement is at all accurate. We ourselves gladly brought our dispute with Turkey as to the boundary of Iraq before the League of Nations. In this case I hope the matter is going to be settled among the parties interested without reference to the League of Nations, and if such a direct settlement can be made, it is infinitely better than an appeal to other bodies.