HC Deb 06 April 1927 vol 204 cc2040-2
76 and 77. Mr. E. BROWN

asked the Secretary of State for Air (1) if any ex-service architectural and engineering assistants and/or draughtsmen who have performed the duties of their posts in the Air Ministry for 12 months or upwards have received notification of their possible discharge at an early date; and whether any non-service men in these grades are being retained;

(2) how many ex-service men in his Department are at present under notice of discharge or warning; what are the reasons in each case; whether any non-service staff or ex-service men of lower categories are being retained in sections where discharges are being made; and, if so, what is the reason for departing from the order of discharge as laid down in the Lytton Report?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the reply to these two questions, which is rather long.

Following is the reply:

As regards the headquarters staff of the Air Ministry, four ex-service men are under notice of discharge, and 11 others have been warned unofficially that, in consequence of the expected reduction of work, it may become necessary to give them notice of discharge on 30th June next. Of the four under notice, two have been holding single specialist posts, and are being discharged on the reduction of their posts; no non-service or lower category ex-service man is being retained on similar work. The third is being discharged because of his unsuitability for his post. The fourth is filling a post appropriate to established civil servants of the executive class, and is to be replaced (probably in August next) by such an officer, in accordance with the policy explained in my answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Richmond (Sir N. Moore) on 29th March, 1926. The 11 men who have received preliminary warning of possible notice of discharge on 30th June have been employed in the drawing offices of the Directorate of Works and Buildings under purely temporary conditions of service. One non-service and a few ex-service men of lower category are being retained, after special selection, in the drawing offices; their retention is necessary in the interests of the efficiency of the public service.

As regards out-station staff, eight ex-service men are under notice of discharge on account of reduction of staff. A non-service man of the same grade as one of those under notice of discharge is being retained, but only for the period necessary to complete the temporary work for which he was engaged; it would not be possible to have it completed by one of his ex-service colleagues. Ex-service men of lower category than some of those under notice are being retained, in the interests of the efficiency of the public service.


asked the Secretary of State for Air if any ex-service pre-War employes of the Royal Air-craft establishment, South Farnborough, now temporarily employed at the Royal Aircraft establishment, have not been selected for establishment while non-service men of the same grade have been selected?


I presume that my hon. Friend is referring to three ex-service men now serving as temporary clerks. These men, who were industrials at the outbreak of war, were not eligible for establishment without examination. Two of them competed at an examination for establishment and failed. The third elected not to compete. There have been two other examinations at which these men might have competed for establishment, at each of which preference was given to ex-service candidates. Three non-service men appointed as clerks since the War have been established by virtue of their success at a competitive examination.

79. Sir W. SUGDEN

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether any non-service draughtsmen are employed at the Royal Airship works; and, if so, why those posts have not been filled by ex-service men?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The answer to the second part is that ex-service men with suitable qualifications were not available. The appointment of non-service men on this ground was concurred in by the Joint Substitution. Board.