HC Deb 18 November 1926 vol 199 c1959

asked (1) the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department what economies he has effected in the administration of his Department since he took office;

(2) the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what economies he has effected in the administration of his Department during the year?

71. Mr. FENBY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what economies he has effected in the administration of his Department during this year?

Date. Principal Clerks and above, and officers of equivalent rank holding temporary appointments. Employés of other Grades. Approximate number of beneficiaries.
30th June, 1922 379* 22,865 2,705,000
30th June, 1926 224† 10,689 1,754,000
* Includes 57 established officers
Includes 119 established officers (since reduced to 115).
The increase in established officers is mainly due to the establishment of a number of officers who formerly held temporary rank.
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