HC Deb 18 November 1926 vol 199 cc1949-50
30. Mr. HASLAM

asked the Minister of Health whether he has taken steps to ascertain, in regard to the Milk and Dairies Order, dated 6th July, 1926, what Regulations, if any, of a similar nature obtain in countries from which we derive our imports of butter; and whether he will give the information to the House?


The laws in the countries from which our largest imports of butter are derived contain provisions which are comparable with those of the Milk and Dairies Order, in addition to others relating especially to butter. These laws are necessarily too long to set out in full in the course of question and answer, but copies or summaries of them are available in my Department, and I shall be pleased to afford facilities to any hon. Member who desires to consult them.

Lieut.-Colonel HENEAGE

Can the right hon. Gentleman do his best to ensure that the supply of milk in rural villages is not stopped, because it is well known that there is a great deal of misapprehension and anxiety about this Order?


I think the question relates to butter, and not to milk.

33. Captain WALTER SHAW

asked the Minister of Health whether the expenses caused by the carrying out of the Milk and Dairies Order, 1926, fall on the owner or the tenant?


The obligation of complying with the requirements of the Order rests on the person who is producing or selling milk, as the ease may be. The question as to who is to bear the cost of structural alterations required to premises depends on the terms of the contract of tenancy and if not covered by the contract must be a matter for arrangement between the landlord aid tenant.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give any indication as to what sort of period will be allowed before enforcing these Regulations strictly?


The hon. Member will find that in the Regulations.


Will the right hon. Gentleman not give special consideration to those small cow-keepers who are tenants and who may have difficulties in this matter, so that these small men shall not be dealt with harshly under the Order?


I think my hon. Friend may rest assured that there will not be any harshness in administering the Order, and, as a matter of fact, a very considerable period is allowed for careful consideratoin of all cases.


asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that, in many villages and sparsely populated country districts where there are no recognised milk-sellers, small farmers, who only keep cows for rearing calves and supplying their own households, are in the habit of selling their surplus milk to oblige their neighbours; and whether he will give instructions that such farmers cannot be regarded as carrying on the trade of dairymen so as to be subject to registration under the Milk and Dairies Order?


I have been asked to reply. I am advised that the question whether a farmer is carrying on the trade of dairyman is one of fact to be decided on the circumstances of the individual case, and, speaking generally, I should suppose that the farmers mentioned in the question would be regarded as not carrying on the trade, and, therefore, as not subject to registration under the Milk and Dairies Order. They would, however, be subject to the general requirements of the Order.


Does the right hon. Gentleman's answer apply equally to butter as to milk?


Yes, I think so.