HC Deb 18 November 1926 vol 199 cc1930-1

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he will cause further inquiries to be made into the case of ex-Private George Brown, who in 1923 and 1926 was a patient in the Lincoln City Sanatorium suffering from tuberculosis whether he is aware that this man was wounded and gassed on the battlefield and lay in an open field for two days and two nights, and that his health was undermined by privations and underfeeding whilst a prisoner of war in Germany; and whether, in view of medical evidence that tuberculosis was present before 1923, he will reconsider the refusal of the Ministry to grant a pension in this case?


The position in this case was fully explained to the hon. Member in the letter forwarded to him on the 22nd October. The facts are that Mr. Brown's medical attendant certified that he was first consulted in January, 1923, for an attack of influenza, and it was not until November, 1923, that tuberculosis was found to be present. At the hearing of his appeal, Mr. Brown confirmed the date of first attendance and put forward the contention that his condition had arisen as the result of having been a prisoner of war. Every aspect of the case was fully presented to the tribunal and, as that body, with all the evidence before them, confirmed the rejection of the claim, I regret that it is not possible for any further action to be taken in the case.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that medical evidence was submitted which was not before the tribunal, and that representations were made to him with a view to his reopening this case? Would it not be possible for him to deal, under the dispensing Warrant of 1884, with a case of this kind which is one of very great hardship and is causing a great deal of public comment?


I am going to take into account the points which the hon. Member was kind enough to lay before me the other day, but I am not at all certain yet that it will be possible for

Areas. Salary of Chief Area Officer or Deputy Chief Area Officer at date of change. Scale of Salary of Established Civil servant at date of change.
Scale. Bonus.
£ £ £ s.
Edinburgh 650 550 165 9
Liverpool 450 £400 rising by annual1 168 11 to
increments to £500. 196 5
Birmingham 500 £400 rising by annual 168 11 to
increments to £500. 196 5
Lewisham 500 £400 rising by annual 168 11 to
increments to £500. 196 5
Norwich 480 £400 rising by annual 147 9 to
increments to £500. 171 14