HC Deb 18 November 1926 vol 199 cc1944-5
25. Colonel DAY

asked the. Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the charge of attempted murder against Reginald Farndale, aged 11 years, at Chester; and, in view of the fact that this lad was certified as a mental defective three years ago, will he state what action has been taken with a view to providing accommodation for such cases?


My attention has been drawn to this case and I am informed that accommodation has been found for the lad in an institution in Gloucestershire. Unfortunately, there is at present a shortage of accommodation for mental defectives throughout the country; and local authorities are being urged to make further provision. The local authorities in the County of Cheshire are now considering a proposal to provide a joint institution to serve the whole county.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman think it a deplorable state of affairs that a mental defective should have to attempt the crime of murder before he can be put into one of these homes?


That is not a correct statement of the case.

Colonel DAY

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Chief Constable said that the doctors in Chester had been trying for three years to get this lad into a home, but on account of lack of accommodation they could not do so and that he committed this crime before he could be put into a home?