HC Deb 16 November 1926 vol 199 cc1666-7

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is prepared to grant greater latitude to shopkeepers who wish a reasonable amount of illumination for the display of their goods in their shop window fronts; and whether he is aware that without such assistance it is difficult for them to carry on their business on proper lines?


asked the Secretary for Mines if he is aware that the lighting Regulations are being differently interpreted by the chief constables all over the country; whether he is trying to arrange for some uniform action; whether he is aware that there is bitterness amongst shopkeepers whose lighting facilities in their shop windows have been cut down to the detriment of their livelihood, while in private houses there is no limitation whatever to the amount of illumination used; and whether, in the interests of fairness, some greater concession can be made to those who have to earn their livelihood by effective display on days when daylight is very short?

Colonel LANE FOX

I am aware that it has been very difficult to secure uniformity in the interpretation of these directions, and for that purpose I have recently caused a circular letter to be sent to local authorities and chief constables on the subject. I am sending each of the hon. Members a copy. I fully realise the inconvenience and loss which is being most loyally borne by the trading community, and, in view of the improvement in the coal situation, I hope that it may soon be possible to relieve them of these harassing restrictions.

Sir W. de FRECE

Will the right hon. Gentleman give attention to the fact that the Christmas trade is very near, when this lighting will be required?

Colonel LANE FOX

That is the point I have in mind, and I hope that very soon the whole situation will be improved.


May I ask whether the circular letter which the right hon. Gentleman has issued to Chief Constables all over the country is not very confusing?

Colonel LANE FOX

If the hon. Member will give me the benefit of his advice and assistance and tell me where it is confusing, I will try and make it clear.

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