HC Deb 16 November 1926 vol 199 c1672

asked the Minister of Transport if he is aware that three steamers laden with coke which arrived at Southampton on the 27th and 31st October and the 3rd November are detained in Southampton Water, and that the reason assigned for the delay in the unloading of these vessels is that there are not sufficient empty trucks available for the purpose of conveying the coke to its destination, with the result that works to which the coke is assigned are being temporarily closed down; and will be inquire into the matter?

Colonel ASHLEY

I understand from the Southern Railway Company that the traffic to which my hon. and gallant Friend refers was dealt with at a private wharf where the railway company have no jurisdiction over the berthing or discharging of vessels. The company inform me that a large quantity of coal had to be dealt with during the period in question and that although empty wagons were available some delays occurred in placing them in position for loading owing to the congested state of the sidings. The needs of the situation are continuing to have special attention.