HC Deb 16 November 1926 vol 199 cc1673-4

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that on 22nd September last, at Chertsey, Surrey, fatal injuries were sustained by Mr. F. Yeardsley, a man of 58 years of age, whilst on the same occasion another man received serious injuries, including a broken ankle, the said injuries being inflicted by a motor cycle ridden by a boy 15 years of age; whether he has read the coroner's remarks at the concluding stage of the inquiry; and whether he can give any indication of the Government's intentions regarding the early revision of regulations which permit the use of motor bicycles by immature lads?

Colonel ASHLEY

My attention had not previously been called to the particular accident to which my hon. Friend refers. As regards the last part of his question, I may say that I have under consideration the whole question of the issue of driving licences in connection with the Bill, which I hope to introduce shortly, for the better regulation of road vehicles.