HC Deb 15 November 1926 vol 199 cc1541-2
62. Sir B. FALLE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the senior accountant officer of flagships is paid flag allowance whilst a fleet or port accountant officer is borne on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief; and, if so, what duties does he perform to merit payment of flag allowance?


If a fleet accountant officer is borne on the staff of a Commander-in-Chief, flag allowance is only paid to the senior accountant officer of the flagship when the fleet accountant officer is accommodated elsewhere than in the flagship, and then at half rates. In the latter case, the senior accountant officer of the flagship performs, in addition to his ship duties, such staff duties of an urgent character as may be required of him by the Commander-in-Chief. No question arises in the case of port accountant officers, as flag allowances are not payable at the three home ports.

63. Sir B. FALLE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the number of officers of the accountant branch borne in His Majesty's Ships "Barham," "Malaya," "Warspite," "Valiant," "Resolution," "Revenge," and "Renown"; and what particular duties they each perform?


The number of accountant officers (commissioned and warrant) borne in the ships named is 63. Of these, 21 are employed on accountant and store-keeping duties, 33 on staff and secretarial duties, of whom 26 are on the staffs of flag officers, including the Commanders-in-Chief of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Fleets, and nine are junior officers under training.