HC Deb 11 November 1926 vol 199 c1247
36. Mr. LOOKER

asked the Minister of Health whether he proposes to take any action to put an end to the practice of dumping refuse in the Lower Thames area, particularly as regards the dumps now existing at Purfleet and Tilbury and the new dump at Purfleet now in course of construction?


As I have informed my hon. Friend, these dumps have recently been inspected, and the inspection did not disclose that they are a menace to health. At the same time, I may say that the general question of the collection and disposal of London refuse and the practicability of making improvements is the subject of detailed investigation at the present time, and in connection with the investigation the dumps referred to are being kept under observation.


Is the hon. Member aware that there is a dust heap at Tilbury, immediately behind the town, into which all the refuse and deposit from London boroughs is placed, and that numbers of people of all ages and sexes rummage daily in this refuse; and does he think that that state of things is consistent with the prevention of the spread of epidemic disease?


I am sorry to hear the information which the hon. Member has given, and I will forward to the investigator the facts.


Cannot we have this refuse destroyed by destructors?