HC Deb 11 November 1926 vol 199 cc1242-3

asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the increased charges on the surplus funds of approved societies consequent upon the new agreement covering dental benefit; whether he is aware that a number of approved societies decline to operate the agreement because of those increased charges; and whether he will take steps with a view to removing the present impasse?


The new agreement as to the scale of charges and conditions of service for the dental treatment of members of approved societies was arrived at by direct negotiation between representatives of the societies and of the dental profession with a view to securing a thoroughly satisfactory service. The new scale does involve some increased charge on the surplus funds of societies above that which would have arisen under the scale previously in operation, but the great majority of societies take the view that the additional advantages to be secured under the new arrangement justify the extra cost. My right hon. Friend is aware that a few societies, representing a very small fraction of the total insured population, have not yet decided to adopt the new scale, but he does not think that the position calls for any special action on his part at the present time.


If the opposition to this new agreement grows, as is likely to be the case, will the Ministry call the parties together again with a view to securing new terms?


No; I have no reason to apprehend for a moment that the other societies—about 80 per cent. of the total—are likely to alter the existing arrangements to which their representatives have agreed.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that dentists are following in the footsteps of the doctors, and unless some steps are taken they may in very many cases obtain remuneration out of proportion to the services they render?


In this arrangement approved societies and members of the dental profession both think they have made a bad bargain. In these circumstances I am rather inclined to think this is a fair arrangement.