HC Deb 31 March 1926 vol 193 cc2031-2
49. Colonel GRETTON

asked the Prime Minister if his attention has been directed to the paragraph under the heading of pig iron, on page 12 of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Control of the Coal Industry, which indicates the decreased consumption of coal in the steel and iron trade and also in shipbuilding and engineering, and states that it is only to the revival of these heavy industries that the coalmining industry can look for any substantial increase in the home consumption of coal; and whether the Government proposes to take any steps to promote the revival of these heavy industries, including iron and steel?


I am aware of the paragraph referred to. I made a statement on the matter in answer to my bon. Friend the Member for Penrith, on 24th February, and to that I have nothing to add.


Are we to understand from the reply that the paragraph in the report of the Commission has not moved the Government to take action?


We are not proposing to take any action.