HC Deb 30 March 1926 vol 193 cc1835-6

asked the Minister of Transport what is the number and capacity of the existing generating stations which it is contemplated will be selected stations when Section 5 of the Electricity (Supply) Bill becomes operative; and the number and capacity of existing generating stations which will not be selected stations?

Colonel ASHLEY

I would refer the hon. Member to Clause 4 of the Bill, where he will see that the choice of the generating stations will foe determined by the scheme which will be prepared by the Board, and submitted to the Commissioners, who will inquire into the proposals. It will then be open to all interested parties to make representations on the proposals of the scheme, and only after this consideration by the Board and the Commissioners will it be possible to say which are the most suitable stations. The forecast, which is contained in the Report of the Committee on National Electrical Supply, will not, of course, be binding on the Board, but the hon. Member will find that forecast on page 24 of the Report and in exhibit 3, pages 26 to 30.

41. Mr. T. THOMSON

asked the Minister of Transport on what investigations he has based the anticipated increased demand for electricity which, it is contemplated, will be met by the proposals contained in the- Electricity (Supply) Bill?

Colonel ASHLEY

The considerations on which the forecast of the increased demand of electricity to be met by the proposals contained in the Bill were based are broadly set out in the Report on the National Problem of the Supply of Electrical Energy.


Is it possible for the right hon. Gentleman to let the House have the evidence on which those conclusions were formed?

Colonel ASHLEY

That is quite another question, of which I should like to have notice.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that there are many flagrantly inaccurate statistics in the Report concerned?

Colonel ASHLEY

Oh, no; I am not at all aware of that. I could not admit that.


asked the Minister of Transport whether he can give the names and qualifications of the witnesses examined by the Weir Committee on Electrical Energy?

Colonel ASHLEY

The witnesses examined by the Weir Committee were: —Sir John Snell, Chairman of the Electricity Commission—[Interruption]—and a very proper person too— Mr. A. Page and Sir H. Haward, Electricity Commissioners; Mr. J. S. High-field, President, Institution of Electrical Engineers; Mr. R. A. Chattock, Electrical Engineer, City of Birmingham; Mr. C. H. Merz, of Messrs. Merz & McLellan: Mr. J. M. Kennedy, of Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin: Mr. S. Insul, of Chicago, U.S.A.: and Mr. A. Dow. of Detroit, U.S.A.


Are any of the gentlemen mentioned gentlemen who have had any experience of operating existing power companies in this country?

Colonel ASHLEY

Oh, certainly, most of them.


Will the minutes of that evidence be published, as is usual in such inquiries?

Colonel ASHLEY

First of all, I should require notice of that question, and I do not think it is at all usual.