HC Deb 29 March 1926 vol 193 c1662 Special Report from the Committee of Privileges brought up, and read as follows: The Committee are unanimously of opinion that the language of the article in the 'Daily Mail' newspaper of 25th March can reasonably be understood as conveying a charge of improper motives and conduct in respect of their Parliamentary action against Members of the House, and so constitutes a breach of the privileges of the House. They have noted the prompt disclaimer of that meaning in the 'Daily Mail' of the following day; they have seen the Editor, who has repeated that disclaimer and has assured the Committee of his unqualified regret that the language used should have been capable of that construction. The Committee recommend, in the circumstances, that the House do not take any further action in the matter.

Special Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 55.]