§ 2. Colonel APPLINasked the Minister of Pensions whether he can grant further consideration to the children of men 1347 killed in the War for grants for secondary education in all cases where the men's former employers are able to certify that they would have reached the necessary positions to justify such grants had they lived and remained in their service?
Major TYRONThe question whether a grant in aid of education should be made out of public funds is determined only on consideration of all the circumstances of the case, but I am glad to be able to assure my hon. and gallant Friend that full weight is given to information of the kind referred to, which is commonly obtained by the Special Grants Committee in dealing with applications.
§ Colonel APPLINCan I understand that any special case which is brought to the right hon. Gentleman's notice will be dealt with?
§ Major TRYONI shall be very happy to give full consideration to representations made by my hon. and gallant Friend on behalf of these children.
§ Mr. PALINGCan the right hon. Gentleman also assure us that further consideration will be granted to those children who may not come under the rule as it now stands, but who have gained scholarships and are ruled out because of the harsh interpretation which now exists?
§ Major TRYONIt is not the case that harsh interpretation exists, but, as I think I have already informed the hon. Member, the point raised in this question will be taken into account in the interests of the children
§ Mr. R. MORRISONIs it not a fact that the real difficulty in this matter is that an alteration is required in the Regulations governing the Advisory Committee, and if the right hon. Gentleman has got this under consideration, does he anticipate reaching any decision on the point soon?
§ Major TRYONI have already informed the hon. Member that I am going through this matter with the new Advisory Committee, and I think that, until they meet, it would be unwise for me to come to any conclusion without awaiting the advice which they may give me.