§ 50. Mr. DENNISONasked the Prime Minister what is the index selling price of iron and steel compared with the average index figure for all manufactured commodities; the percentage on pre-War wages of the workpeople engaged in the heavy section of the steel trade; the amount of imported iron and steel during the past 12 months; and, if it was manufactured in this country, how many work-people the imported tonnage would employ, as well as the additional coal which would be consumed in the manufacture of the imported iron and steel?
Mr. SAMUELI have been asked to reply. The answer is long, and includes a table of figures. Accordingly, with the hon. Member's permission, it will be circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
§ Mr. DENNISONIn view of the importance of this question, and in view of the deplorable condition of the industry, is not the House entitled to know what the Government propose to do to help to revive it?
§ Following is the reply:
§ The index number of wholesale prices of iron and steel compared with the index number for all commodities as calculated by the Board of Trade, was as follows, the figures comparing in each ease with 100 for the year 1913:
Iron and Steel. | All Commodities. | ||
Average for year 1925 | … | 125.9 | 159.7 |
January, 1926 | … | 118.4 | 151.2 |
February, 1926 | … | 118.0 | 148.8 |
§ The increases in rates of wages since July, 1914, as indicated by the district percentages added to basic rates under the principal sliding-scale agreements in the iron and steel industry vary from about 13 per cent. to about 70 per cent. in different occupations and districts.
878§ The net imports (i.e., total imports less re-exports) of iron and steel and manufactures thereof during the year 1925 amounted to 2,712,271 tons valued at £ 23,756,785.
§ With reference to the numbers of work-people and the amount of coal that would be required if 2,700,000 tons of iron and steel products were added to the actual output of 1925, I regret that sufficient information is not available to enable me to make a satisfactory estimate. The quantity of coal needed would probably be between seven and 10 million tons.