HC Deb 18 March 1926 vol 193 c600
76. Sir F. HALL

asked the Minister of Transport whether, having regard to the increasing number of cases in which persons seriously injured in motor accidents are unable to recover damages against the motorists responsible owing to their lack of means, he will consider as to introducing legislation making it compulsory for persons before obtaining a driving licence to take out an insurance policy against third-party risks?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Colonel Ashley)

I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the answer which I gave on the 3rd March to the hon. Member for the Wirral Division (Mr. Grace), of which I am sending him a copy.


Was not that answer to the effect that it will be necessary, and that the Government are going to introduce legislation?

colonel ASHLEY

No; the answer was to the effect that if and when I introduce the Road Vehicles Bill this matter will be given serious consideration.