HC Deb 18 March 1926 vol 193 cc567-9

L. Best, Esquire, Chairman of Children's Sub-Committee of the Birmingham War Pensions Committee; Headmaster of Grove Lane Secondary School, Birmingham.

Alderman D. Davison. Esquire, O.B.E., J.P., Chairman of War Pensions Committee and of General Purposes Sub-Committee, Norwich: Vice-Chairman of County Education Committee; Chairman of Cromer Urban District Council: Vice-Chairman of Finance Committee, Norfolk County Council; Chairman of Public Health Committee, Norfolk County Council; a Governor of Gresham School, Holt.

Mrs. A. Holtby, Chairman of Children's Sub-Committee of Hull War Pensions Committee; Member of East Riding County Council.

Alderman Stamford Hutton, Esquire. M.B.E., J.P., Chairman of War Pensions Committee, Gloucestershire Member of Gloucestershire County Council.

Miss E. H. Kelly, C.B.E., J.P., Chairman of Children's Sub-Committee, Portsmouth War Pensions Committee; J.P. (Children's Court); Member of Special Grants Committee; Honorary Secretary, Children's Services Home, Southsea; Honorary Secretary, Portsmouth Branch of Navy League: Member of Local Employment Committee, Ministry of Labour.

T. W. H. McDougal, Esquire, J.P., Chairman of Lothians War Pensions Committee; Member of Midlothian County Council and Education Authority.

A. Hume Nichol], Esquire, C.B.E., Chairman of Lewisham War Pensions Committee and Vice-Chairman of Children's Sub-Committee; ex-Mayor of Borough of Lewisham.

Miss G. J. Trubshaw, 0.B.E., Vice-Chairman of South-West Wales War Pensions Committee and Chairman of General Purposes Sub - Committee; Member of Carmarthenshire County Council and of County Education Committee: Chairman of Juvenile Employment Committee and Local Employment Committee, Ministry of Labour, Llanelly; Trustee of Welsh Troops Fund.

Alderman T. Turnbull, Esquire, C.B.E., D.L., J.P., Chairman of Manchester War Pensions Committee and General Purposes Sub-Committee; Alderman of Manchester City Council and Member of Education Committee.

Representatives of Ex-Service Men.

H. E. Giles, Esquire.

Lieut.-Colonel V. L. Henderson, M.C., M. P.

*Commander F. Paget Hett, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. - Colonel Assheton Pownall, O.B.E., M.P.

Sir Archibald Sinclair, Bart., C.M.G., M.P.

J. J. Tinker, Esquire, M.P.

*A. G. Webb, Esquire.

*Captain T. Woodhead.


Sir George Chrystal, K.C.B. (Permanent Secretary).

Sir Adair Hore, K.B.E., C.B.

E. H. Hodgson, Esquire, C.B., O.B.E.

G, H. Bowler, Esquire (Chief Area Officer, Wolverhampton).

*Appointed on recommendation of British Legion.

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