§ 18. Captain FAIRFAXasked the First Lord of the Admiralty, with reference to Command Paper 2590, whether he is aware that French official documents give only 41 submarines as against 45 on the Paper; that the German constructive programme includes one cruiser and six destroyers not mentioned on the Paper, and that these and other statistics are the subject of unfavourable comment in France; and whether he will make further investigations, and correct any mistakes that are verified?
§ Mr. BRIDGEMANThe Admiralty are not aware of any French official documents which give the figures for submarines quoted in the question, although I know the figures in the White Paper have been called in question in the French Press. As regards Germany, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the answer given on 9th March to the hon. Member for Torquay (O.R. 2129).