§ Mr. RAMSAY MacDONALD(by Private Notice)asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the reports published to-day of representations having been made to the Chinese Government by the Protocol Powers, which may involve military operations within two days, and whether he has any explanation to make to the House?
§ The PRIME MINISTERI have seen the statement referred to, in the Press this morning.
His Majesty's representative at Pekin has been instructed to take no action except in co-operation with all the other Treaty Powers.
259 His Majesty's Government have also informed him that armed force should only be used in the last resort, for safeguarding the security of foreigners in the areas affected. Sir Ronald Macleay has acknowledged the receipt of these instructions, and has communicated them to the British naval authorities on the spot.
§ Mr. LOOKERIs no independent action to be taken to protect British interests in relation to the circumstances referred to?