HC Deb 15 March 1926 vol 193 c4
10. Mr. SCURR

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he can state the number of men employed by the Burma Oil Company in the Yenang-yaung oilfields; what percentage of the men are on strike; what is the daily wage of the various grades of workmen; and what are the demands of the men on strike?


I understand that there are about 8,000 Indian and Burmese employés on these oilfields, all of whom struck work on 1st February as a protest against the substitution of daily for monthly wages. The number of strikers was reduced to 2,000 by 11th February. It is now reported in the Press that the strike is practically at an end, and that work is proceeding normally. The information asked for in the third part of the question is not available.