HC Deb 11 March 1926 vol 192 cc2569-70
28. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Home Secretary if his attention has been drawn to the collapse of some scaffolding on buildings in the course of erection in Blackfriars Road, on Monday, 8th March, when five men were injured, if he is aware that the platform was 30 feet high and there was a large number of bricks and building material upon it; and if he will have inquiries made into the matter?


Inquiries have already been made by the factory inspector in this case, and the report shows that the accident was due, not to any collapse of scaffolding, but to the giving way of the concrete floor of the basement, on which were resting the temporary wooden supports that held up the joists of the ground floor and first floor.


Did the inspector make inquiries as to whether the supports were withdrawn too early?


I am afraid I must ask the hon. Member for notice if the hon. Member wants further details.

Viscountess ASTOR

Is there not somewhere in the Home Office a document dealing with accidents that have happened in the building trades, and if the workpeople are not protected enough, will the right hon. Gentleman look into it?


I have no need to look into it. I received a deputation from the building trade operatives upon the matter, and it will be included in the forthcoming Factories Bill.