HC Deb 08 March 1926 vol 192 cc1882-4

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether any decision has yet been made regarding the method of financing the construction of the Zambesi Bridge; and, if not, whether he will take steps to expedite this matter in view of the fact that the development of Nyasaland and part of Northern Rhodesia is dependent upon the construction of this bridge, and that there is pressing need of the orders which it would bring to the iron and steel industry of this country;

(2) whether the East African Loans Bill will include provision for the construction of the Zambesi Bridge; and, if not, whether it is proposed to introduce a separate Bill in connection with the Zambesi Bridge simultaneously with the Bill relating to the £10,000,000 loan;

(3) whether, in view of the unemployment in the iron and steel industry, he will take into consideration the possibility of introducing at the earliest possible moment Bills covering such of the proposed East African development undertakings as are ready for immediate construction, instead of continuing to await information which may not be forthcoming for some considerable time; and whether, seeing that the Joint East African Board has reported on the Zambesi Bridge as a project ripe for immediate execution, he will give precedence to this undertaking so that orders for steelwork, estimated at £250,000, may be placed and full advantage taken of the coming dry season in the Zambesi Valley?


I will answer these questions together. The precise allocation of the works to be included in the East African Loan Guarantee Bill has not yet been definitely settled, but my hon. Friend can rest assured that the placing of orders for materials in this country will in no way be delayed pending the introduction of the Bill. The importance of the Zambesi bridge is fully recognised. The question of the financing of its construction is still under discussion, but a separate Bill is not in any case contemplated.


Are we to understand that any orders have been placed for steel work for this bridge?


No, Sir; but some orders for railway material have been placed, and are being placed all the time.


May I ask whether, before a decision is come to as to the necessity for this Zambesi bridge, the Government are considering the alternative route from Nyasaland to Dar-es-Salaam?


That matter has been considered, but I do not think that it will alter the need for Southern Nyasaland having a direct outlet to the sea.


Is not the cost of this bridge to be £1,000,000?


I think the cost is estimated at about £800,000.


Will the financing of the Zambesi bridge be apart from the £10,000,000 East African loan?


That is just the point which is still under discussion.