HC Deb 03 March 1926 vol 192 cc1433-4
76 and 77. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Minister of Transport (1) whether he is aware that on the 5th February last Robert Low was killed at the Eastfield Running Sheds, Springburn, while taking an engine through the shear lege; that these shear legs have been obsolete for some time; that the permanent way passing under these legs has been used as a permanent way despite the fact that the increase in the size of locomotives has increased the dangers while passing through this erection; and will he ask for the removal of the legs or prevent the permanent way being used as a through way;

(2) what were the first-aid provisions existing at the Eastfield Running Sheds, Springburn, on 5th February, 1926; and whether there is a place provided for the reception and first-aid treatment of injured men?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Colonel Ashley)

An inquiry has been ordered into the circumstances of this accident, but I have not yet received the report of the inquiry. In these circumstances, I am not yet in a position to answer the specific questions which the hon. Member raises, but any recommendation on these points that may be made in the report will receive my careful consideration.


Has the Minister the power to ask for the removal of such dangers as those mentioned in the question?

Colonel ASHLEY

I must have notice of that.


I want to know if the right hon. Gentleman has got the powers?

Colonel ASHLEY

I should have notice of that question. I really do not know exactly what is the point which the hon. Gentleman wishes to put.


When there is an obstruction upon any of the railways, has the right hon. Gentleman no power to ask for it to be removed when it is a danger to the men?

Colonel ASHLEY

That is a question of law. I shall need to have notice of the question.


If it is a question of law, why does it come under the Minister's ken?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have legal questions, just as other Departments have.


If it were a legal question, it would come in the Scottish Courts. Will the right hon. Gentleman tell me whether he is going to do it or not?