HC Deb 02 March 1926 vol 192 c1237

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the increase in traffic during recent months over Scotswood Bridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; whether he is aware that the bridge is unfit and inadequate to deal with such traffic and, in consequence, is becoming a source of danger to the public; and what steps he proposes to take to deal with the matter?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have no knowledge of the actual condition of the bridge. I understand that negotiations have taken place between the local authorities primarily concerned, though I have not been informed of their progress.


Will the right hon. Gentleman cause inquiries to be made by his technical advisers having regard to the importance of public safety, and the fact that this bridge is totally inadequate for the traffic that it has to carry?

Colonel ASHLEY

I will consider that suggestion.