HC Deb 01 March 1926 vol 192 c1022
59. Sir W. DAVISON

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the formation by the Communist party in this country of a Young Communists' League, who have recently held a children's conference at Openshaw, near Manchester, the object of such league being to instil into the minds of children disloyalty to the Throne and constitution of their native country, to prepare for an alleged coming Red revolt, and to combat all patriotic organisations such as girl guides and boy scouts; and whether he will introduce the necessary legislation to protect children from being influenced in the manner indicated?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir William Joynson-Hicks)

The Prime Minister has asked me to reply. I am very well aware of the existence of the Young Communists' League and I am keeping—and shall continue to keep—a close watch on its activities. As regards the last part of the question, the desirability of amending the law in regard to sedition is under consideration and I am not at present in a position to make any statement.


Will my right hon. Friend urge upon the Cabinet the desirability of pushing the matter forward as quickly as possible, in view of the efforts that are being made?


Will the right hon. Gentleman constantly bear in mind the intense anxiety there is in Kensington over this matter?


I think that anxiety is not limited to Kensington.


May I advise my hon. Friend to put down questions about the matter every day, and get it well advertised?