HC Deb 21 June 1926 vol 197 cc10-1

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when he proposes to lay on the Table the Treaty with Turkey regarding Mosul and when he intends to have it ratified?

The SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sir Austen Chamberlain)

The White Paper, containing the terms of the Treaty recently signed at Angora, together with certain annexes thereto, was laid, in dummy, on the Table of the House on the 18th June, and it is hoped that copies will be in the hands of hon. Members to-day.

Both the Turkish National Assembly and the Iraq Parliament have authorised the ratification of the Treaty forthwith; it is eminently desirable that the British ratification should be given at the earliest possible moment. Unless, therefore, the right hon. Gentleman desires a discussion on the Treaty in this House, His Majesty will be advised to ratify in a few days.