HC Deb 28 July 1926 vol 198 cc2108-9

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether the Government have given any undertaking to accept any financial responsibility for the legal expenses being incurred by the Highland Railway Company in a litigation at present before the Courts, in which three senior and one junior counsel have been briefed by the appellants?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have been asked to reply. The answer is in the affirmative. As the hon. Member is doubtless aware, this litigation originated in a dispute as to the legality of certain rates charged during the Government's possession of the railways, and the Government has a financial interest in the result of the action.


Can the right lion. Gentleman say whether it is the fact that actually four senior counsel and one junior counsel have been briefed; whether it is the case that only two of those counsel will be permitted to speak in this case; and what is the Government's total liability in this extraordinary performance?

Colonel ASHLEY

Obviously, I cannot say how many counsel will be allowed to speak in the ease when it comes before the higher Court, but I am quite satisfied in this case, although a comparatively small sum is involved, that on the decision quite a large amount of public money may be involved, and, therefore, it is necessary to have a full array of counsel to argue the case for the railway company, which means the Government.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say what is the financial extent of the Government's liability for these counsel?

Colonel ASHLEY

Obviously, I cannot.


If I put down a question, will the right hon. Gentleman give the figures?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have no doubt that if the hon. Gentleman puts down a question 1 may he able to answer it.