HC Deb 28 July 1926 vol 198 c2274

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

Captain BENN

I propose to make this same argument a little clearer. Here we have duties imposed in this country at the expense of certain small industries, and these unfortunate individuals in the Isle of Man arc to be subjected to higher taxes because we have a Protectionist Government in this. country.


In what the hon. and gallant Member has stated he will not think it discourteous if I say that the last time he addressed the House he talked sheer nonsense.


That is not argument; that is merely abuse.


The hon. and gallant Member may have talked nonsense on a previous Clause, but he did not talk it on this.


It is sheer nonsense to say with regard to many of these duties that there was any coercion used from this country. In regard to the Wrapping Paper Duty, which duty is included in our Finance Bill, they did exercise their rights, and refused to have it.

Captain BENN

The right hon. Gentleman has used strong language. It is perhaps just as well to point out that it is sheer nonsense to pretend that this catalogue of incandescent gas mantles, cutlery, etc., sprung up spontaneously in the minds of the Isle of Man Legislature.