HC Deb 22 July 1926 vol 198 c1411
41. Mr. RILEY

asked the Minister of Agriculture the number of small holdings purchased by the occupiers under the respective Small Holdings Acts of 1892 and 1908 and the Land Settlement Act, 1919?


Fifty-nine small holdings were sold to the occupiers under the Small Holdings Act, 1892, up to 31st December, 1907. The provisions of this Act as to purchase were incorporated in the Consolidating Act of 1908, and under the latter Act 67 holdings were sold up to the passing of the Land Settlement Facilities Act, 1919. The number sold since 1919 is 43. In addition, 185 small holdings have been purchased by sitting tenants from their landlords with the aid of advances made by county councils under Section 19 of the Act of 1908.