HC Deb 19 July 1926 vol 198 c863

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India what amount of morphia has been manufactured in India during the last five years, and what amount of codeine and heroine?

Year ended. Morphine Hydrochlorate. Morphine Acetate Codeia. Heroin
lbs. ozs. lbs. ozs. lbs. ozs.
October, 1921 16 15 Nil.
October, 1922 34 6 Nil.
October, 1923 130 6 Nil.
October, 1924 424 15 31 2 Nil.
(refined). (refined).
4,050 4 100 0 Nil.
(crude). (crude).
October, 1925 140 6 14 12 2 2 Nil.
(refined). (refined).
2,000 0 Nil.
Total-Five years 730 1 14 12 50 3
(refined). (refined).
6,050 4 100 0
(crude). (crude).