§ Message to attend the Lords Commissioners;
§ The house went; and, having returned,
§ Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to:
- 1. Secretaries of State Act, 1926.
- 2. Re-election of Ministers Act, 1919 (Amendment) Act, 1926.
- 3. Boards of Guardians (Default) Act, 1926.
- 4. Markets and Fairs (Weighing of Cattle) Act, 1926.
- 5. Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 1) Act, 1926.
- 6. Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation (No. 2) Act, 1926.
- 7. North Berwick Burgh Extension Order Confirmation Act, 1926.
- 8. Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation Act, 1926.
- 9. Falmouth Docks Act, 1926.
- 10. Bermondsey Borough Council (Street Trading) Act, 1926.
- 11. Mid-Nottinghamshire Joint Railways Act, 1926.
- 12. Rhymney Valley Water Act, 1926
- 13. Shoreham Harbour Act, 1926.
- 14. Bethlem Hospital Act, 1926.
- 15. Trent Falls Improvement Act, 1926.
- 16. Port of London Act, 1926.
- 17. Pontefract Corporation Act, 1926.
§ And to the following Measures passed under the Provisions of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919:
- 1. Ecclesiastical Commissioners Measure, 1926.
- 2. First Fruits and Tenths Measure, 1926.